To mark the 2,000th download of Pieces Of Mind, the author, Ken O’Sullivan (1964), would like to offer two free hard copies of the book (hard cover with ribbon) posted to anywhere in the world. All you have to do is answer one simple question:
What is the last line of Ken’s best loved poem?
Hint: you’ll search of course, but look before you leap.
The closing date is 30th September 2014. Please e-mail your entries, giving your full name please, to:
All correct entries will be put in a “hat” and the winners drawn on 1st October 2014. The winners will be contacted for their postal address, and the result (names only) will be posted here.
Here is a note from Ken:
“Pieces Of Mind is ideally a coffee table or bedside locker book, that is, a traditional book that you can pick up, delve in at random, read one or two paragraphs, and put it down again till the next time. The PDF format is not ideal, but it has enabled me to give free copies to over 2,000 people. Here is a suggestion: When you have your computer or other device on for some other purpose, take an extra minute, scroll down randomly trough the file, and see what you come across. There is some really good stuff in the book, even if I say so myself! If you have not read the introductory pages, please do so. These set the scene and introduce you to Fred and Lucille who appear throughout the book If you find that it is not your cup of tea for the moment, don’t ditch it; file it away for the future, for maybe a time when your situation or outlook changes. If you have mislaid the file, you can download it again. Best wishes and many blessings.”