Gillian McMahon, Class of 1993 owns a HR Consultancy called HR Solved

What 3 words best describe your experience as a student of Shannon College?

Exciting and Life Changing

What college memory still makes you smile?

Friendships and maybe the times when everything didn’t quite go to plan🙂

If you had to re-live your time in Shannon College, would you do anything differently?


What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?

Enjoy every minute, the friendships you make will last forever so make good memories, it all works out in the end

In your life, what achievement are you most proud of?

Getting a first class honour from Shannon and being the only girl to do so. The foundation I received in HR from Tom Garvan allowed me to go on to ultimately set up my consultancy.

What qualities do you think are most important to have for a rewarding career?

Self awareness, the ability to reflect and learn from your experiences, emotional intelligence and never giving up.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced during Covid-19?

The 5km limit.

Do you have words of wisdom that you try to live by?

Be grateful, look at all you have done right, every experience is a learning opportunity.

What advice do you have for current SCHM students who are looking for inspiration and hope?

It will pass you will get to connect with your friends again and make great memories in the meantime stay connected with people and ask for help in any area of your life where you need help.

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